Pre-Baby Must Haves

My Top 5: Before the Baby
1. Mom's On Call -- Basic Baby Care
I kid you not -- this was probably one of the quickest and most helpful pieces of literature I have EVER read and in my opinion, every new mom should keep a copy on hand. It laid it out very simply and answered questions I didn't even know I had. From bringing home baby & basic care to step by step guidelines for getting your new nugget(s) on a routine. It's all there! Written by two pediatric nurse moms with over 20 years of experience -- I hung on every word and it put my mind at ease. MUST HAVE & UNDER $20!
2. The Pregnancy Pillow
I kind of hate that it took 29 years and getting pregnant to realize how much a full body pregnancy pillow would change my life! I'm 5'3 and suffered from sciatica my first and second trimesters -- this pillow quickly became my best friend and cuddle buddy. It has a soft cover that is machine washable and didn't leave my bed until my daughter was almost two months old. Also, this one is pretty long -- great for people on the taller side or those of us who like to feel like we're covered on all sides.
3. Hatch Mama Belly Oil
I was absolutely NOT prepared for some of the changes my body went through. The sciatica sucked but the stretching, itchy skin was worse! I read tons of reviews on different lotions and oils to help with my growing belly and this brand was off the chart with 5 stars all round. I actually purchased the full line of pregnancy products but this oil in specific was pure gold! Non toxic, derived from plants and 100% safe for mama and baby. I used it daily, still have 1/4 a bottle and not a single stretch mark. Honestly, it helped tremendously with the itchy skin & thats why I love it so much!
4. The Dreamiest Robe
If you follow me on Instagram...you know damn well I literally LIVED in this robe for 5 out of the 9 months. I love anything and everything barefoot dreams -- ultra soft material AND has two pockets -- and let's all be honest, pockets are a BIG DEAL! A little on the pricey side but well worth the money.
5. The Pregnancy Ball
I sat my happy (not so) little butt on this ball 24/7 -- not even kidding. It was a lifesaver! For me, pregnancy was uncomfortable 88% of the time and I had a hard time getting comfortable on any of our living room furniture. This specific pregnancy ball was a total game changer and here's why -- it's all about the stability ring! I would sit and bounce on the ball for hours at a time and having the ring kept me from losing my balance and rolling all over the living room. This is a MUST HAVE!! And fun fact...when you go into labor, the hospital will give you a ball to bounce on -- great for helping with labor!
Hopefully this helps a few of you out there who are searching for a gift any new mom would actually use and love!
All the best --